Integrated Avionics Systems LLC was formed in 2003 in response to industry requests for detailed Avionics and Engineering support. IAS brings valuable years of aviation experience to our customers with first hand working knowledge of aircraft modification, system design, flight test, instrumentation, installation techniques and methodologies. Using computer-aided design software, IAS has produced extensive aircraft electrical/avionics system modification designs to support the installation of a wide range of systems.
IAS has provided engineering solutions to support hundreds of Major Alterations and Supplemental Type Certificates spanning Part 25 transport and corporate jet aircraft in addition Part 23 and Part 27 aircraft as well.
IAS has extensive modification experience on the following platforms:
- Boeing B727, B737, B747, B757, B767, B777 & KC-135R
- Douglas DC-9, DC-10, KC-10A, MD-10, MD-11, C-46, DC-6 and C-118
- Airbus A340
- Gulfstream GIII, GIV, G550 & G650
- Bombardier BD-700
- Cessna Citation VII
- Lockheed Martin C-130 & F-16
- Dassault Falcon 20G & HU-25
- Beechcraft B-200 & UC-12B
- Northrop T-38A
- Sikorsky HH-60, UH-60M
- Bell UH-1
- Cirrus SR-22
- Columbia C-300 (LC-40)
- Eclipse Concept Jet
Integration Experience/Past Programs:
- Boeing 757 Avionics return to service package comprising over 175 deliverables and including on-site Liaison support and installation
- Participated in the design, installation and testing a flight data acquisition system on the official replica of the Wright Flyer displayed at Kitty Hawk NC in 2003. This program included wind tunnel testing and evaluation
- Provided a complete engineering installation package for a YAK-52TW including wiring diagrams, fabrication, installation and testing of all specified equipment
- Boeing 737 VIP Interior Entertainment System including in-seat power and an Airshow 4000 system.
- Multiple experiences on many different VIP configured aircraft. IFE, Avionics Systems, Electrical Power distribution, CMS, lighting, control and Annunicator Panels, Audio/Video and LAN networks and distribution are typically designed and interfaced
- VHF Communication 8.33 KHz Spacing Modifications
- Mark VII EGPWS on a Boeing 757
- Enhanced Stall Warning Computer with PWS on a Boeing 757
- Proprietary Weather Radar System for a Gulfstream G-IV
- Co-designed and fabricated a 25 position interphone system on a Boeing 757
- ARINC 758 ACARS in support of FANS-1/A, CPDLC.
- TCAS and Mode-S on multiple aircraft
- ADS-B Out/in, 1090ES and 978Mhz
- FANS-1A interface on multiple platforms
- Interphone Audio Integration on multiple Boeing aircraft
- Multiple KA/KU band SATCOM system integration including Cabin IFE/CMS connectivity via Wi-Fi.
- ARINC 429 Data Bus acquisition and monitoring on several aircraft
- Multiple Garmin avionics systems packages on Part 23 and Part 25 aircraft including the GTN, GDL, GTX products with legacy instrument integration
- ELT and communications panel upgrades on multiple aircraft
- Collins EFIS-700 installation data package on a Boeing 757
- ARC-164 UHF Communication System
- Weapons and Systems integration on the HH-60 Platform.
- Failure Hazard Analysis/System Descriptions on multiple aircraft including A340-500
- Transport Class Cockpit Audio/Video Upgrades, SATCOM Modifications/Upgrades
- Moving Map Modifications
- Cabin Lighting improvements
- Antenna removals
- Support of FAA-Mandated Failure Hazard Analyses for Complex STCs
- Cabin Audio Integrations and EFB Solutions
- ADS-B UAT & 1090 ES, In and Out - multiple platforms - General Aviation, Twin Turboprop, Corporate Jet and Transport Class airframes
- Complete Glass Cockpit Upgrades on multiple platforms
- Cabin Wi-Fi System Design in B-767 aircraft
- Honeywell Jetwave System/Router integration on B-767 platforms
- USB Power distribution in multiple aircraft
- Dual-Channel Iridium SATCOM
- Aviator 200/300/350 SBB Systems
- Rockwell Collins Airshow 500 Truenorth Optelity Router integration
- Major aircraft power distribution systems including essential and non-essential generation and distribution with automated sequencing and control
- Starlink integration on multiple aircraft
- Dolby Atmos-certified engineering designs in multiple Boeing Cabins.
Engineering Design
Design Data Packages are completed by engineers with hands-on installation experience and our packages are tailored for ease of installation, thus minimizing aircraft downtime and thus accelerating the overall production effort. Typical Design Data Packages may include the following documents:
- Master Data List
- Engineering Orders
- Harness Routing/Installation Drawings
- ATA 100 Format System Wiring Diagrams
- Component Installation Drawings
- Electrical Installation Drawings
- Mechanical Installation/Detail and Assembly and Modification Drawings
FAA STC coordination, International Certification Agency Coordination, DER/DAR services, compliance with installation and conformity inspections. Typical FAA STC certification includes the following documents:
- Certification Plan Matrix
- Electrical Load Analysis
- Flight Manual Supplements
- Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
- AWM, MM and IPC Supplements
- Ground Test Plan Procedures
- EMI/RMI Test Plan Procedures
- Flight Test Plan Procedures
- DER Approvals as needed for deliverables
Technical Consulting
Consulting to be performed as required per project through completion. IAS provides our customers with On-Site support service as necessary.